Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Andrea started gymnastics last year. Though demanding, she learned alot from her Russian trainers. Because they said they would be relocating, I began looking for another gym. She was on a waiting list for 1/2 a year, and then started lessons somewhere else last year. Those classes are fine, but Andrea missed her old gym.

I found out recently that her previous gym never moved, so at Andrea's insistence we went today to see which class to sign up for. The owner worked with her a little one-on-one and thought she had great flexibility and potential for the team. He proposed to get her conditioned for a couple months and then put her on the preteam which meets 4 hours/week. That may conflict with other activities she has, but we'll see as we go how much we can commit to. I'm glad that she has something she really loves to do.


Jann said...

This is awesome. Go Julia. How fun to be involved in something she loves, and what a good mom, for making it happen.

Tracy said...

How fun! My girls take gymnastics too, but they are lacking in the flexibility. Julia looks like a natural!

Jenni said...

She does look like she has the flexibility thing down! Yay for Andrea, I'm glad she's found an activity that she really enjoys!