The official medal for those who complete 50 miles says "A Century of Physical Fitness" Amos Alonzo Stagg 1862-1962. The Alonzo Stagg hikes are held at various places around the country.
Last weekend was the annual Alonzo Stagg hike. My husband David hiked this with the boy scouts he was working with when we were first married. He went 37 1/2 miles the first year, and all 50 the second year--after learning some helpful tips like wearing boots at night when the hike begins along the C & O Canal at 9 pm, and changing into lighter tennis shoes at the half way mark in the morning. The hike can last up to 18-hours, and officially ends at 3 pm. The attendance is usually about 75 to over 100 with the average rate of people who finish being about 15%.
Since then David has been involved every year in running the hike. It takes several monitors like himself who are up all night driving from checkpoint to checkpoint or manning a checkpoint to making sure that people come in, to give water and snacks and record when people arrive.
Our oldest children have carried on the tradition. Kara (who said she didn't know how far she would go, but NOT 50), Erika, and James have all completed the 50 miles. Daniel runs cross country and would undoubtedly do well, but has had a band competition on the day of the hike for the past 2 years. Julia has gone to help monitor. Andrea and I have stayed home to have Chinese carryout and make sure the TV is working properly :)
I'd be right there with you eating the Chinese. People who do this hike amaze me and yet I have no desire to ever try it. Great job to your family members who even attempt it!
Actually, the end time for the hike is about 1:30am (20 hours after the start). At 3pm, the folks trying for 50 miles are typically at or past 30 miles. I've operated the Shirlington Waypoint for a number of years, which is just short of the 36th mile. Normally, everyone comes through between 2:45 and 6:00pm.
Hi, Dave. That's great to hear that you have been a part of these hikes. I think there are various times it has been done. In the years we have done it, we have also changed the course along the C&O. Our group likes to start at 9pm and end at 3pm. Even though it sounds crazy to start at night we have found it safer to let people do the night portion when they are most fresh. Once daylight hits, it helps give walkers a second wind. Thanks for writing!
The New Carrollton Hiking and Camping Club started organizing the C&O 50-mile hikes in 1974.
Warm-up hikes were every other weekend in the DC area: 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 miles.
The 25 miler was mostly in Rock Creek Park.
In 1975 and 1976, I completed the 50 with our Explorer Post 1286.
Tried changing to sneakers after 37 miles, but it was like walking on coals!
Felt every stone.
Switched back to boots.
Thanks for starting this blog! + Gordon
We started at midnight on a Friday night back in 70's.
Probably better to start at 9 pm as you mentioned.
Couldn't sleep before anyway.
Slept 18 hours straight and lost 12 pounds the 2nd time.
Ate dozens of boxes of raisins to counter the lactic acid muscle build up.
Starting at the 55 mile marker, it drops 150 feet to the 5 mile marker.
+ Gordon
Did that twice. In '75 and '76...came in at just over 11 hours along the Santa Ana River Trail.
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