Monday was our second annual Outdoor Games Day as well as our Memorial Day Barbecue. This year there were no rules to the water games. The Red and Blue teams were chosen randomly. Somehow all the Men ended up on one team. Julia got to be with David, Luke and Daniel. The Red team consisted of myself, Kara, Erika and Andea.
We had 200 water balloons, squirt guns, hoses and various pitchers and containers. The object was just to get each other wet--which we accomplished.
It was a pleasant day to eat on the deck and we had the typical grilled hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken, potato salad, watermelon, and corn on the cob (which Erika is demonstrating...)
After dinner the games continued with Julia and Daniel going up against Erika and Andrea to see which blindfolded person could feed their partner a bowl of jello and whipped topping first. Andrea and Erika came in a close second, while Julia and Dan's team came in next to last. [OK, they came in first. :) ]
What a great idea. This looks like so much fun.
What a great day of family fun!! :) Love the jello game, that must have been hilarious!!
i love family days - this looks like such fun :)
That looks AWESOME! I am going to have to start some of those traditions pronto! Well, as soon as my kids will eat either corn OR jello.
I love the game day idea! So much fun. I think we will do this at our family reunion in July. Thanks Cheri!
What a wonderful idea. It makes me want to have a big family so we can do this! ha ha! Well almost. =)
I love the corn on the cob picture!!! So funny.
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