Andrea was furtunate enough to be invited by a friend to go to the White House Easter Egg roll and festivities on the Mall in Washington, DC. Tickets are free, but her friend's dad had to camp overnight to pick up the tickets.
The girls didn't care if they missed the other events. They just wanted to see the Jonas Brothers in concert. They were way in the back and couldn't see anything during the first concert, but as soon as it ended they went up to the front row and waited there for 4 hours--holding tight to their spots until the next concert.
She was amply rewarded by being almost close enough to touch them, [and to get these close up shots] and she's pretty sure Nick actually waved to her. :)
Oh, what a fun experience for them! My girls love them. They stood in the front last year waiting for Hannah Montana and thought it was worth it too. Those are great pictures, I'll have to show my kids. Thanks for sharing.
The girls had soooo much fun w/Andrea that day! They were so funny because they did nothing except stand there, but it was well worth it. Both Brenna and Andrea took some fabulous pictures of the Jonas Brothers! We're so glad you trusted us to take your little one on the train and in the midst of all those people! It was wonderful. We love Andrea!
What an awesome thing to do. I am sure she really loved it.
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