Andrea was a Roper and in a group with girls her age for morning and afternoon activities. She went on a day hike, made an embossed leather bracelet, went on a pony ride, shot a beebee gun at a target, did archery and lots of games.
Julia was a Bronco along with a friend from Maryland. They did COPE activities (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) which are team building. One was to climb a 55-foot telephone pole and launch off the zip line. They also had a day hike where they saw a dinosaur footprint and some Anasazi Indian ruins.
I was a Silverado. We signed up for various activities that interested us. On Monday I attended a Dutch oven cooking class.
That evening was Family Home Evening. We had a meeting at the ampitheater and every family was part of the parade where we introduced our family and displayed our family banner that we had made.
We made our banner before we came, and we all helped color and make it. The banner has our family flag that we developed several years ago. The 8 stars in the heart represent unity in our family of Dave and I, and our 6 children. The 3 stripes represent Faith, Purity/Integrity, and Respect.
Wow What a cool place. How wonderful to be so connected to your children. Amazing
OH my have been very busy! Must feel weird being back and not having to have a set schedule for you! Glad to see everyone had fun, I'm glad you're back! I've missed you!
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