David has returned from his second 3-day Scout training in a month. He's working on his Wood Badge. Since we've been married he's been involved with scouting as a Merit Badge Counselor, Assistant Scout Master, Scout Master, Varsity Coach and Committee Chairman. Now, one of his responsibilities in the stake is as a Scout liaison.
I think he's really enjoyed the training and meeting with various Scout leaders. He was in the 'Bear' Patrol. They had a 'Bear' cheer they sang, and they ate teddy grahams and gummy bears and ribbed the BobWhites, Beavers, Antelopes and Buffalos that they weren't as tough as Bears. But they also worked as a patrol to complete a project (on camping opportunities in the various levels of scouting) that they had worked on during the month. They were entertained with skits and listened to Vietnamese songs sung with guitar by the campfire, and got to know fellow Scouters from diverse backgrounds.
Though they had rain, and hot, humid weather, David came back relaxed and yet enthusiastic about Scouting, and how it builds bonds and strengthens character in both boys and men.
Wow! I didn't know that the adults did camp-outs like that for training! I love all their bear snacks. What a great time--and what a great man to sacrifice all that time for scouting.
That's neat! I don't know a lot about scouting, but I'm sure I'll learn all about that w/ Ben - seems like a fantastic character builder!
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