At the Halloween party where Kara student teaches, a girl in her class had been reading one of my books, which is on top of her desk.
Yesterday I
received a kind email from a woman I've never met. Since I am leaving it anonymous I think it's OK to share part of it.
"I want to reach out and thank you for your books. We LOVE them in our house and they have been tremendously valuable to me 3-year old daughter who adores and devours each one. She is 3 and at this point has a diagnosis of autism. But your books have opened a window to the kind of knowledge that simply does not come naturally
to her, and provides it within a framework that is warm, supportive, loving, inclusive, natural, and most importantly, instructive.
I have already watched how the lessons contained
within them seamlessly flow into her daily conversation and life. My words cannot adequately express the
gratitude I feel for the work you have done and if you are ever in my area for a reading I would love to be able to thank you in person.
As a mother of a child with special needs, I feel as though your books are a critically important piece of the therapeutic work my daughter does on a daily basis. You are a partner to our efforts and in particular I feel as though your work supports me in my quest to help my daughter navigate and integrate into the world. I simply could not do it without you.
So, from one mother to another, please accept my heartfelt gratitude.
Kindest and warmest regards"
Responses like this make me feel that all my work has been worthwhile! I really appreciate her taking the time to tell me. And I think I understand how she feels--because there have also been people in my life who similarly have been a great blessing to my children and me.