Because Julia was getting married two days later, we had all our children and most of their families here home! Dave and I; Kara, Luke, Jacob, (5), Blake,(3): Erika: James, Tammy, Audrey, (10 mo.): Daniel, Meg: Julia: Andrea
We all hung out together Christmas Eve.
Dinner together!
rehearsal for our sing along/ music performances
Guess who got the almond in the rice pudding
Daniel is a good sport about never ( in 24 years!) getting the almond.
Santa always pulls through. And here I caught him without the red suit. Usually about 4:30 am on Christmas morning the stockings are filled and the presents are wrapped.
I had to get a picture because it looks like this for a few brief hours before the exciting time of opening gifts together. My Mom arrived later that day.

Christmas morning, Jacob is the first to check it out. Merry Christmas!