Metro Atlanta Corporate Volunteer Council MACVC IMPACT Awards Luncheon Saluting Corporate Volunteerism Event
Thursday, Sep 18, 2008 12:00PM - 1:30PM Atlanta, GA
The 11th Annual IMPACT Awards Program will feature a nonprofit fair, luncheon and awards ceremony. Attendees will be able to network, learn about some outstanding corporate volunteer programs, and greet the 2008 IMPACT award finalists, as well as the recipient of the 2008 Carol D. Reiser. (from

As the recipient of the 2008 Carol D. Reiser award, I was flown to Atlanta on Wednesday. I was picked up by Linda, the director of the Corporate Volunteer Council (CVC) of Atlanta at about 6:00 pm. We went right to dinner with three past directors of the Council. They were all well acquainted with Carol D. Reiser and told me how she co-founded the CVC and did much to promote volunteerism in Atlanta and other cities. When she died in 2002 the children's book award was established in her honor.
I stayed at the Glenn Hotel and Thursday morning we went to the Georgia Aquarium
Thursday, Sep 18, 2008 12:00PM - 1:30PM Atlanta, GA
The 11th Annual IMPACT Awards Program will feature a nonprofit fair, luncheon and awards ceremony. Attendees will be able to network, learn about some outstanding corporate volunteer programs, and greet the 2008 IMPACT award finalists, as well as the recipient of the 2008 Carol D. Reiser. (from

As the recipient of the 2008 Carol D. Reiser award, I was flown to Atlanta on Wednesday. I was picked up by Linda, the director of the Corporate Volunteer Council (CVC) of Atlanta at about 6:00 pm. We went right to dinner with three past directors of the Council. They were all well acquainted with Carol D. Reiser and told me how she co-founded the CVC and did much to promote volunteerism in Atlanta and other cities. When she died in 2002 the children's book award was established in her honor.
I stayed at the Glenn Hotel and Thursday morning we went to the Georgia Aquarium
where the luncheon for 400 business members of the CVC met.
Local children sang in a children's choir. I then read my book, 'Reach Out and Give' to 12 3rd-graders from that group. During the rehearsal with the children, one boy politely raised his hand after I read to them and asked, "Could you read the book again?"
After reading to them again (during the luncheon) I received my award and then spoke briefly. The CVC also gave an award to the corporation who had given the most volunteer service that year, and it was great to see all the innovative things they were doing for their community.
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