Friday I went with a group on a lunch cruise down the river. This is us before boarding. Dave, Andrea, Erika and Tyler were more daring and went white water rafting. They had a great time--some falling out, some jumping out. I'm glad they had fun and were all safe.
Friday afternoon we also hopped a free bus in Chatenooga and saw where the Chatenooga Choo-Choo was. This pretty hotel was once the bus station.
Andrea and cousin Christine had a good time together.
Friday night was a barbecue in a glass pavillion in a pretty park here.
(Christine and Erika) The lights were pretty at night, and it was right on the water.
Here's Dave with his sisters that night.
Saturday night all 70 or so of us ate at a restaurant in town. We saw a family slide show and everyone took family pictures. It was fun to see everyone again. It's a nice family to belong to!